I think many of us never saw this coming.
Today we are faced with a strange twist of fate where for some this may be tragic where perhaps they lose loved ones, for others it may be challenging(for all different reasons) and for some maybe they are self-employed at home anyway. For all of us it is difficult and as a people it is hard to be bombarded by the devastating numbers of people who have sadly passed and of people who have been affected. It is difficult for so many of us to be isolated from people we love and care about and to adhere to such strange measures. None of this easy.
But just as we never saw this coming so too we have no idea what could yet come to pass. If you can hold onto any threadbare of hope; be it from the sheer number of scientists working round the clock or to even the sight of the sun, hold steadfast. As this age will teach us to have patience and be strong until once again the tides wash away.

I think it is fitting that the season is changing just as the peak is nearing in this country. It shows us that life moves on whatever our circumstances. The spring is a time of rebirth and I think as a lot of us remain cocooned at home, it will be a place of rebirth for a lot of us. We will not emerge from this the same and that is both a beautiful and terrifying thought. Take this time to reflect and to nurture, to appreciate and we will only grow stronger. Neglect yourself and your loved ones and we will wilt before the sun comes out. We are being called to do better and be kinder. To be be more thoughtful and more appreciative than we once were. We need to learn to appreciate everything and all that we have now because like with so many things in life everything we have is not solely in our own control.

We each have our own part to play if we want to ride this out. Where there is a will there is a way. And right now the world over is willing for this to be cured. There will be a way out and a way up. I urge you to remember that there is always hope even if we cannot see it. It is there beneath the surface, between the cracks, just waiting for us to pay attention to it.
Wishing you all well of heart, body and mind
Lots of Love
Naomi Leila
p.s. Song recommendation - 'The sun will come up, the seasons will change' by Nina Nesbitt. A beautiful and fitting song for this time. p.p.s If you have any soothing song recommendations for this time please leave a comment below.